Illustrated Russian-Tajik dictionary of hydrometeorology and climate change terms
Illustrated Russian-Tajik dictionary of hydrometeorology and climate change terms
© 2020, Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia.
The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any form for educational or non-commercial purposes without special permission from the copyright holders, provided the source is acknowledged.
Dictionary Working Group and Lead Authors:
Abdualimov K., Nazirova N., Kurbonov V., Kudratov H., Muminov A.
On winter Sarez (notes of a hydrologist)
Author - Pirov Alexander Umarovich - engineer-hydrologist of the hydrographic party of the Tajik department of hydrometeorological service and control of the natural environment.
If you look at the map of Tajikistan, then in the very center of the Pamirs, among the dark brown colors, you can see a thin blue stripe. It resembles in shape a small dragon, preparing to jump and lifting its head high. Among the high mountains covered with powerful glaciers, there is a unique Sarez Lake full of undisclosed secrets...
"Third Pamir Expedition". Fedchenko Glacier, August 10-21, 2015.
Author: Member of four expeditions on the Fedchenko Glacier - Davlyatov Rashid Rakhimovich.
With the participation of: Professor V.B. Aizen - University of Idaho (USA)
From the author: This article describes the work carried out by the international expedition led by Professor Vladimir Aizen. It does not pursue the goal of a scientific treatise, as well as a detailed description of the preparation and conduct of a technical program. As an author, I wanted to write about the close-knit work of people who arrived in the Pamirs, who were united by one goal, the study of one of the largest mountain glaciers on our planet - the Fedchenko glacier ....
Author: Manizha Kurbanova, Asia-Plus
For more than 80 years, on the rocky ledges of the left side of the Fedchenko glacier, at an altitude of 4169 meters, there has been a hydrometeorological station named after Academician Gorbunov, opened on August 7, 1933. About the history of the highest mountain station and its present day - in the material "AP".
Обшавии босуръати пиряхҳо бар асари тағйирёби иқлим ба раванди таъмини шароити
мусоиди зиндагии аҳолӣ ва ҳифзи захираҳои об таҳдиди ҷиддӣ дорад. Гуфтан кофист, ки аз
14 ҳазор пиряхҳои Тоҷикистон, ки барои тамоми минтақа аҳаммияти ҳаётӣ доранд, дар
давоми 30 соли охир беш аз 1000 пирях ба нобудӣ расидааст.
Интенсивное таяние ледников в результате изменения климата представляет
серьезную угрозу процессу обеспечения благоприятных условий жизни населения
и защите водных ресурсов. Достаточно отметить, что из 14000 ледников
Таджикистана, имеющих жизненное значение для всего региона, за последние 30
лет исчезли более чем 1000 небольших ледников.
The impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health
The impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health
What is the UV Index?
The UV Index is an international standard for quantifying ultraviolet, developed by the World Health Organization, the United Nations Environment Program and the World Meteorological Organization. It is intended to indicate the potential adverse impact of ultraviolet radiation on health and to encourage people to protect themselves. The higher the UV index, the greater the potential for harming the skin and eyes and the less time it takes to cause such harm. Sun protection products must be used with an ultraviolet index equal to or greater than 3-5.
« The pearl of Tajikistan is the glacier Fedchenko!» - 2019 Davlyatov Rashid Rakhimovich - Participant of four expeditions on the Fedchenko glacier.
From the author: This article describes the work done by an international expedition led by Professor Vladimir Aizen. It does not pursue the goal of a scientific treatise, as well as a detailed description of the preparation and conduct of the technical program. I, as the author, wanted to write about the cohesive work of people who flew to the Pamirs, which were united by one goal, the study of one of the largest mountain glaciers of our planet - Fedchenko Glacier
Since 1956, the former Hydrographic Expedition Department (now the Glaciology Center) of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has been continuously monitoring glaciers. The department's activities are focused on studying the state of glaciers, snow reserves, explosive lakes, glacial lakes, as well as on the prediction of avalanches and mudslides.
Air pollution
Life begins with breathing and ends with its cessation. A person may refuse to take poor-quality food, not drink contaminated water, but he cannot not to breathe. The rapid growth of the number of mankind and scientific and technological armament radically changed the situation on Earth. Modern civilization has an unprecedented impact on nature. Environmental pollution from industrial emissions has a harmful effect on people, animals, plants, soil, buildings, structures, reduces atmospheric transparency, increases air humidity, increases the number of days with fogs, etc.
From the history of the hydrometeorological sphere of the Republic of Tajikistan
The hydrometeorological sphere is one of the most important branches of the national economy in all countries of the world. The planning of industries, agriculture, energy and irrigation in the context of climate change is highly dependent on observations and hydrometeorological forecasts.
The first hydrometeorological observations in the country began in 1866 at the Khujand hydrometeorological station and until the beginning of the twentieth century there were only 6 hydrometeorological stations and 2 hydro posts.
Ташаббусҳои Асосгузори сулҳу ваҳдати миллӣ – Пешвои миллат, Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Ҷаноби Олӣ, муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон дар самти ҳифзи пиряхҳо
Тағйирёбии босуръати иқлим ва афзоиши аҳолии Сайёра дар назди инсоният масъалаҳои наверо гузошта истодааст, ки ҳалли оқилонаи онҳо боиси паст шудани шиддати таъсири тағйирёбии иқлим ва баланд бардоштани сатҳи зиндагонии аҳолӣ мегардад.
Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон кишвари кӯҳӣ буда, яке аз манбаҳои асосии захираи об дар минтақаи Осиёи Марказӣ ба ҳисоб меравад. Аз захираҳои обии Тоҷикистон на танҳо, сокинони дохилӣ, балки кишварҳои ҳамсоя низ баҳраманд мегарданд, аз ин рӯ Пешвои миллат Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон, Ҷаноби Олӣ, муҳтарам Эмомалӣ Раҳмон аз тағйирёбии иқлим нигаронӣ намуда, чунин қайд намудаанд: «Обшавии босуръати пиряхҳо ва ҳамчунин афзоиши масрафи об вобаста ба афзоиши аҳолӣ ва рушди иқтисодӣ ба ҳаёт ва некӯаҳволии садҳо миллион нафар одамон таҳдид мекунад. Тайи даҳсолаҳои охир коҳиш ёфтани ҳаҷми пиряхҳо дар мавзеи сароби дарёҳои асосӣ, ки бар асари тағйирёбии глобалии иқлим ба вуқӯъ пайвастааст, дар минтақаи мо боиси нигаронии ҷиддӣ мегардад. Тибқи иттилооти расонаҳои мухталиф, дар ин муддат, масоҳати пиряхҳои Тоҷикистон қариб 35 фисад кам шудааст. Бо дарназардошти фоҷиаи воқеии баҳри Арал мо набояд ба нобудшавии пиряхҳо, ки манбаи асосии ҳаёт дар Осиёи Марказӣ мебошанд, роҳ диҳем».
Long-term observations show that global warming is observed on the Earth's surface, which has a direct negative impact on the state of natural water resources such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers and glaciers, which is clearly widely observed in the Republic of Tajikistan, since Tajikistan is one of the states with rich water resources.
Tajikistan in the context of climate change (On the sidelines of the adoption of a new UN resolution declaring 2025 the International Year for the Protection of Glaciers)
One of the problems faced by the world community in the 21st century is climate change, in which, with an increase in atmospheric air temperature, it has led to the process of desertification, reduction of water resources, melting of glaciers in certain regions of the planet (including the Republic of Tajikistan), an increase in the number of natural disasters. In turn, the above phenomena cause many problems in the labor and social activities of a person due to the reduction of natural resources. Lack of water, food, poverty are examples of such events.
WMO confirms that 2023 smashes global temperature record
12 January 2024
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has officially confirmed that 2023 is the warmest year on record, by a huge margin.
Key messages
· 2023 annual average global temperature 1.45 ± 0.12 °C above pre-industrial levels
· World edges ever closer toward the limits set in the Paris Agreement
· El Niño combines with climate change to fuel heat in latter half of 2023
· 2024 expected to be possibly even warmer
· Record heat accompanied by huge socioeconomic impacts