1. Agrometeorological information in the form of TLC per point
2. Agrometeorological information in the form of TLC in the regions
3. Daily agrometeorological information (precipitation, air temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature) at one point
4. Daily agrometeorological information (precipitation, air temperature, humidity, soil moisture, soil temperature) in the developing municipal region
5. Information on the state of autumn crop planting by municipalities in autumn
6. Information about the state of autumn sowing of acreage in autumn
7. Information about the state of autumn crops and grasses after the current season
8. Information on agrometeorological conditions for a specific period and their impact on the development of crops in the zones of formation
9. Information on frozen depths and soil melting in the zones of formation
10. Information about the unfavorable conditions of germination in the zones of formation
11. Information on the state of perennial grasses on the results of planting in the zones of formation
12. Information on soil moisture reserves in early spring in the zones of formation
13. Information on the total positive air temperature and the duration of the germination period in the zones of formation
14. Background information on the weather forecast for the winter period in the zones of formation
15. Information on the state of the crop according to the results of route studies in the zones of formation
16. Information on long-term inactivity of plants in isolated cases of water at one point
17. Number of days of excessive soil moisture at one point
18. Number of days of land drying at one point
19. Number of cold days at one point
20. Analytical records on agrometeorological conditions of growth and development of agricultural crops of certain periods, as well as the growing season in the regions