Providing analytical information on the quality of mudflows (type, volume, area of subsidence, measurement of the horizon of large rivers)
Providing analytical information on the quality of mudflows (type, volume, area of subsidence, measurement of the horizon of large rivers)
1. From the Varzob river basin
2. From the Obikhingov river basin
3. From the Surkhob river basin
4. From the GBAR rivers basin
5. From the Zarafshan river basin
6. From the Khatlon rivers basin
7. Providing recommendations to agricultural organizations and stakeholders on the measures taken
8. Providing analytical information on the causes of mudflows by melting glaciers
9. Providing analytical information on the causes of mudflows, places of mudflows, places that are subject to the harmful effects of mudflows
10. Providing analytical information about the quality of the avalanches in zones of avalanches (type, volume, area)
11. Providing analytical information on the causes of avalanches
12. Mapping zones of avalanches on the territory of Tajikistan
13. Providing recommendations to agriculture and other stakeholders on the measures taken
14. Providing analytical information on snow cover assessment in avalanche zone (height, qualitative assessment, snow cover stratigraphy)
15. Providing analytical overview of the state of the snow cover on the territory of Tajikistan (meteorological data)
16. Providing analytical information on the snow layer in the mountains of Tajikistan (according to 1 (one) hour aerovisual survey data)
17. Providing analytical overview of floods occurring under streams, lakes that threaten breakout and glacier movement (according to 1 (one) hour aerovisual survey data)
18. Providing analytical information on glacial degradation and decline (by one point)
19. Providing analytical information on the description and quality of snow cover, snow reserves by one point
20. Providing analytical information on the possibility of the most dangerous phenomena in the areas of construction of national economy facilities
21. Providing statistical data on the state of snow cover in the areas of construction of national economy facilities
22. Providing statistical data on the physical quality and geographical position of glaciers in Tajikistan