1. Weather forecast of the settlement for 1 day
2. Weather forecast of the settlement for 2 days
3. Weather forecast of the settlement for 3 days
4. Minimum forecasting (maximum) of air temperature in 0.5 day from one point
5. Wind forecasting for 1 day (speed in m / s, obtained from the satellite) from one point
6. Prediction of precipitation (amount in mm over 12 hours, phase status) from one point
7. Weather forecast for 0.5 day from one point
8. Weather forecast for 0.5 day in the territory of one region
9. Weather forecast for 0.5 day in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
10. Weather forecast for 0.5 day in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
11. Weather forecast for 1 day in emerging global landscape
12. Weather forecast for 1 day in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
13. Weather forecast for 1 day in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
14. Weather forecast for 2 days in the emerging global landscape
15. Weather forecast for 2 days in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
16. Weather forecast for 2 days in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
17. Weather forecast for 3 days in the emerging global landscape
18. Weather forecast for 3 days in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
19. Weather forecast for 3 days in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
20. Weather forecast for a month in the territory of one region
21. Weather forecast for a month in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
22. Weather forecast for a month in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
23. Accurate weather forecast for a month in one region
24. Accurate weather forecast for a month in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
25. Accurate weather forecast for a month in the Republic of Tajikistan with specifications
26. Approximate (estimated) weather forecast for a week of one point
27. Approximate (estimated) weather forecast for 10 days of one point
28. Approximate (estimated) weather forecast for 10 days of one region
29. Approximate (estimated) weather forecast for 10 days in a climatic region or in a specialized zone
30. Approximate (estimated) weather forecast for 10 days in the Republic of Tajikistan
31. Approximate (estimated) forecast of abnormal weather temperature for the season in the territory of one region