Агентии обуҳавошиносии
Кумитаи ҳифзи муҳити зисти назди
Ҳукумати Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон
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Приглашение к участию в запросе на котировки. Грант №: G0576/0577

Приглашение к участию в запросе на котировки.

Грант №: G0576/0577 Проект по Управлению водными ресурсами в бассейне реке Пяндж (Дополнительное финансирование)                                                                          

Пакет 1 «Закупка оборудования для лаборатории Агентства по гидрометеорологии» WRM-SH-01-23

Пакет 2 «Закупка различного лабораторного оборудования для Агентства по гидрометеорологии» WRM-SH-02-23


29.01.2024 Бештар

Procurement Specialist

The Republic of Tajikistan has received an additional financing as a Grant proceeds from the Asian Development Bank (Grant No0576-TAJ (SF)) and Green Climate Fund (Grant No0577-TAJ (EF)) with the aim of the implementation of State Investment Project on Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin Project (PRB). The Project is intended to increase agricultural productivity in PRB and to improve forecasting efficiency through legal and organizational transformation of Hydromet and improvement of the quality of services regarding the prevention of extreme weather events in PRB and capacity building on effective management of water resources.

21.07.2023 Бештар

IT Specialist

The Republic of Tajikistan has received an additional financing as a Grant proceeds from the Asian Development Bank (Grant No0576-TAJ (SF)) and Green Climate Fund (Grant No0577-TAJ (EF)) with the aim of the implementation of State Investment Project on Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin Project (PRB). The Project is intended to increase agricultural productivity in PRB and to improve forecasting efficiency through legal and organizational transformation of Hydromet and improvement of the quality of services regarding the prevention of extreme weather events in PRB and capacity building on effective management of water resources.

21.07.2023 Бештар

Financial Specialist

The Republic of Tajikistan has received an additional financing as a Grant proceeds from the Asian Development Bank (Grant No0576-TAJ (SF)) and Green Climate Fund (Grant No0577-TAJ (EF)) with the aim of the implementation of State Investment Project on Water Resources Management in Pyanj River Basin Project (PRB). The Project is intended to increase agricultural productivity in PRB and to improve forecasting efficiency through legal and organizational transformation of Hydromet and improvement of the quality of services regarding the prevention of extreme weather events in PRB and capacity building on effective management of water resources.

21.07.2023 Бештар

Запрос предложений

Проект модернизации гидрометеорологической службы Центральной Азии

24.04.2023 Бештар


Консультационные услуги по оптимизации системы гидрометеорологических наблюдений, включая разработку проекта системы, технических спецификаций оборудования и повышение квалификации персонала в ходе реализации CAHMP, Компонент C.

24.04.2023 Бештар