Agency for hydrometeorology
The Committee of Environmental Protection under the
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
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Continuation of the International Conference on the topic” Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes – risk management ", in Khorog, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region

From August 28 to 31, 2024, taking into account field activities, the International Conference on the topic “Monitoring of glaciers and glacial lakes – risk management” continued its work in the territory of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region, Khorog, during which representatives of a number of international organizations, ministries and departments of the republic, industry scientists and experts, funds mass media.

It should be recalled that the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan held this international conference in cooperation with the Branch of the Aga Khan Agency for Environmental Protection (AKAN) in the Republic of Tajikistan within the framework of the project "Adaptive and Sustainable Communities in their Habitat (ARCH)", funded by the Government of Switzerland.

Thanks to the wise and far-sighted policy of the Founder of Peace and National Unity, the Leader of the Nation, the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, the respected Emomali Rahmon, Tajikistan is now recognized as a leading country in the international arena and promotes global initiatives in the field of climate and water. The adoption of resolutions by the UN General Assembly "Declaring 2025 the International Year of Glacier Conservation", "March 21 - World Glacier Day" and “Decade of Action in the Field of Cryospheric Sciences for 2025-2034” will create a favorable basis for international cooperation and involvement of the world community in the most important issues of glacier and cryosphere conservation.

The results of this conference will serve as an axial basis for the High-level International Conference “International Year of Glacier Protection” in Dushanbe, which is scheduled for 2025, and will play an important role in consolidating international efforts to protect glaciers and prevent risks associated with climate change.
