Agency for hydrometeorology
The Committee of Environmental Protection under the
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
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The final meeting of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for    Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the first quarter of 2023
The final meeting of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan for the first quarter of 2023

The final meeting of the first quarter of 2023 was held on April 7 at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan. The meeting was attended by Isfandiyor Shukurov, Head of the Department for Monitoring of Environmental Policy, Cadaster and Hydrometeorology, Validjon Kurbonov, Head of the Hydrometeorology Sector of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of Tajikistan, and all heads of structural subdivisions of the Agency.


Научно-теоретическая конференция на тему «Вклад Лидера Нации в Глобальную инициативу по защите ледников»
Научно-теоретическая конференция на тему «Вклад Лидера Нации в Глобальную инициативу по защите ледников»

29 марта в Технологическом университете Таджикистана имени академика М.С.Осими, посвященная «2025 – Международному году защиты ледников» и «21 марта – Международному дню защиты ледников», состоялась научно-теоретическая конференция на тему «Вклад Лидера Нации в Глобальную инициативу по защите ледников», в ходе которой приняли участие отраслевые специалисты Агентства по гидрометеорологии Комитета охраны окружающей среды при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан .


Scientific and practical conference on the topic "Instrumental monitoring of glaciers in Tajikistan: development and prospects", dedicated to "March 21 - International Glacier Protection Day"
Scientific and practical conference on the topic "Instrumental monitoring of glaciers in Tajikistan: development and prospects", dedicated to "March 21 - International Glacier Protection Day"

On March 15 of this year, the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan hosted a scientific and practical conference on the topic "Instrumental monitoring of glaciers in Tajikistan: development and prospects", dedicated to the adoption of the resolution of the UN General Assembly on the declaration of "March 21 - International Glacier Protection Day", which was attended by representatives of a number of ministries, departments, universities and institutes of the republic and the media.


"The State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030" and the process of its implementation in the Agency for Hydrometeorology
"The State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030" and the process of its implementation in the Agency for Hydrometeorology

On March 7 this year, a meeting was held at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan on the implementation of paragraph 2 of the action plans of the “State Anti-Corruption Strategy in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period up to 2030” for 2021-2025.


Congratulations on the "Mother's Day" at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
Congratulations on the "Mother's Day" at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan

On March 7 this year in the assembly hall of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan has been held the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the international women's holiday "March 8 - Mother's day", in which all structures of the Agency participated.


Management meeting Agency for Hydrometeorology with representatives of the World Bank
Management meeting Agency for Hydrometeorology with representatives of the World Bank

On 3-4 March the representative of the World Bank Ms Laura Sagnori Diniz visited the Agency for Hydrometeorology within the framework of the 'Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia, Component C' Project. The main purpose of this visit was to evaluate activities of the "Modernization of Hydrometeorological Services in Central Asia, Component C" Project.


Conducting a training seminar with the participation of specialists from the state hydrometeorological networks of the Khatlon region and districts of republican subordination
Conducting a training seminar with the participation of specialists from the state hydrometeorological networks of the Khatlon region and districts of republican subordination

On February 21 this year, a training seminar was held at the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan with the participation of leaders and specialists of state hydrometeorological networks of the Khatlon region and districts of republican subordination.


Familiarization mission of the World Bank representatives with hydrometeorological stations
Familiarization mission of the World Bank representatives with hydrometeorological stations

On February 12, during the visit to the Republic of Tajikistan, the World Bank's Regional Director for Sustainable Development in Europe and Central Asia, Mr. Sameh Vahba, Chairman of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan Sheralizoda Bahodur, Permanent Representative of the World Bank, Mr. Ozan Sevimli visited Varzob district to familiarize themselves with the activities of "Khusheri" hydropost and "Mayhura" snow avalanche station, which was automated within the framework of the World Bank project "Modernization of the hydrometeorological Service of Central Asian countries" in 2014.


Implementing Agreement weather and climate services
Implementing Agreement weather and climate services

On February 8, the management of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee for Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and industry experts held a bilateral meeting with the heads and representatives of the Swiss Cooperation Office "SDC" in Tajikistan - Richard Schoeneward, Advisor on Climate Change and Emergencies - Shodiboi Jaborov, Caritas in Switzerland program manager - Boris Orlovsky


The fateful message of the nation!
The fateful message of the nation!

The message of the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Emomali Rahmon to the people of Tajikistan with the sense of patriotism and piety was delivered on 23 December 2022 in the conference hall of the Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan by all structures and subdivisions.

